Monday, June 27, 2016


Winrar 5.31 Final Stabil Terbaru
Siapa coba yang gak kenal namanya WINRAR , software compress dan extract file yang sangat populer, yang memudahkan kita membuat Kumpulan Folder dan file menjadi 1 PACKING .
Setiap komputer sudah di wajibkan menginstall Winrar ini, dan menggunakan winrar terbaru sangat di rekomendasikan, karena saya sendiri selaku admin kuyhaa android19 dot com selalu membuat archive File yang di share di sini menggunakan Winrar 5.31 Final Stabil Terbaru dan up to date guna memberikan keakurantan file comress yang baik untuk semuanya.


Bugs fixed:

a) console RAR crashed instead of displaying an overwrite prompt
when attempting to add files to already existing volumes;

b) console RAR “lt” command did not display seconds in file timestamp;

c) WinRAR failed to decompress .xxe files if they did not include
“section N of xxencode” string in the body;

d) WinRAR could not restore contents of NTFS alternate data stream
saved with -os switch if it was split between different volumes.

Langkah Install

Install winrar sesuai versi 32 bit atau 64 bit,
kemudian Copy “RarReg.key” dan paste ke
C:\Program Files\WinRAR

Enjoy Full
atau gunakan keygen, jalankan, ketikan nama terserrah kita, kemudian klik Generate
arahkan pada : C:\Program Files\WinRAR
done full
salam luar biasa

Versi Final Stabil untuk 32 bit dan 64 bit

Click Here download winrar 5.31 ---->    DOWNLOAD
Click Here to download theme----> DOWNLOAD

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Download Smadav (FULL CRACK) V107

Free Download Smadav Pro Rev 10.7 Full Serial Number Terbaru 2016 Gratis Update 06 Juni 2016

versi yang saya berikan ini adalah versi yang pro, jadi kecepatan scanningnya menjadi 10x lebih cepat, mampu mengenal ratusan juta virus lokal maupun dunia, ada usb protection yaitu mencegah serangan virus dari perangkat removable seperti flashdisk, dll, bisa merubah tampilan smadavnya, misal tampilan default smadavnya kan warnanya hijau, nah pada smadav pro ini, sobat dapat merubahnya sesuai dengan warna kesukaan sobat Jembersantri Blog loh, Ukuran filenya juga sangatlah kecil dan ringan yaitu hanya sekitar 1MB sob, dan tidak memberatkan pada kinerja komputer kita, sobat juga menghilangkan tampilan start screen smadav pada saat komputer pertama kali di hidupkan. dan masih banyak lagi fitur yang lainnya deh sob, tunggu apalagi buruan deh di download software smadav pro 10 full version plus serial number terbaru 2016 ini secara gratis tentunya hanya pada blog jembersantri blogspot ini.

Ayo Buruan sob, di download aplikasi anti virus terbaik indonesia yang bernama Smadav ini. sekarang juga. 

Apa yang baru dari Smadav Pro Rev. 10.7 Terbaru 2016 ?? 
Smadav 2015 Rev.10.7 : Perubahan tampilan dan bahasa Smadav Terbaru 2016, Penambahan database 800 virus baru, Pembersihan virus Bundpil (yang membuat folder tanpa nama pada flashdisk), Penambahan fitur otomatis mengembalikan file tersembunyi di flashdisk, dan perbaikan beberapa kesalahan program.

Berikut perbandingan fitur smadav free dan smadav pro :

Smadav Free

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "Apa Itu SmadAV Free?" cukup mudah dan singkat untuk menjawabnya, Smadav Free adalah versi dari Anti Virus ini yang Licensenya/Serial Key Gratis (Freeware) dan tidak di pungut biaya untuk menggunakan, memakai dan menikmati software ini. tapi tentu ada fitur yang kurang di versi SmadAV Free.

Fitur SmadAV Free

Untuk fiturnya sendiri sebenarnya dari Free tidak kalah dengan Pro, untuk fiturnya sendiri adalah :
  1. Proteksi tambahan untuk komputer Anda, 100% kompatibel dengan antivirus lainnya
  2. Best USB Antivirus (Proteksi Total USB Flashdisk)
  3. Best for offline use (tidak perlu update terlalu sering)
  4. Cleaner dan tools untuk membersihkan virus

    SmadAV Pro

    Smadav Pro adalah Sebuah Versi dari SmadAV yang berbayar, jadi untuk mendapatkanya kita perlu mentransfer uang untuk mendapatkan License/Serial Keynya. dan di sini juga terdapat beberapa fitur tambahan dari SmadAV.

    Update : 06 Juni 2016
    Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.7 : Penambahan database 500 virus baru, Penambahan pilihan Scan Total dan Scan Cepat, Penambahan Digital Signature agar instalasi lebih mudah dan aman.

    Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.6 : Penambahan database 768 virus baru, Scan flashdisk lebih cepat daripada versi sebelumnya, dan Anti-Ransomware sebagai pencegahan/pembersihan dari virus penyandera data (Locky, Teslacrypt, dll.)

    Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.5 : Penambahan database 640 virus baru, Scan flashdisk lebih cepat dan efektif, Perubahan desain tampilan, dan penyempurnaan untuk penggunaan di Windows 10. 

    Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.4 : Penambahan database 800 virus baru, Pembersihan virus Bundpil (yang membuat folder tanpa nama pada flashdisk), Penambahan fitur otomatis mengembalikan file tersembunyi di flashdisk, dan perbaikan beberapa kesalahan program.

    Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.3 : Penambahan database 200 virus virus baru, Penyempurnaan proteksi USB dan Browser, Support untuk Windows 10, dll. 

    Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.2 : Penambahan database 950 virus virus baru, Penyempurnaan proteksi USB dan Browser, Pembersihan virus VBS-Houdini, Bundpil, dll.

    Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.1 : Penambahan database 315 virus dan 3992 varian virus baru, Penambahan fitur keamanan saat browsing Internet, Pembersihan virus Facebook-Share, Autoit, dll.

    Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.0 : Perubahan tampilan dan bahasa Smadav 2015, Penambahan database 212 virus baru, Penyempurnaan metode pengebalan USB flashdisk dsb.

    Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.9 : Perbaikan update otomatis Smadav Pro "Installation Not Found", Penambahan database 332 virus baru, Penambahan deteksi virus shortcut pada USB, Penyempurnaan metode blacklist Smadav Pro tidak orisinil dsb.

    Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.8 : Penambahan database 651 virus baru, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian virus shortcut Trasher/Dorkbot dan VBS pada USB, Perbaikan bug program dan kesalahan deteksi, dsb.

    Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.7 : Penambahan database 161 virus baru, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian program berbahaya pada USB, Penyempurnaan proses update Smadav Pro, dsb.

    Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.6 : Penambahan database 223 virus baru, Perubahan tampilan utama Smadav 2014, Penyempurnaan proses instalasi Smadav, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian virus pada USB, dsb.

    Smadav 2013 Rev. 9.2 : Penambahan database 229 virus baru, Support untuk Windows 8 (Smadav dapat digunakan di Windows XP/Vista/7/8), Perubahan tampilan, dsb.

    Kelebihan dan Keunggulan SmadAV Pro

    Banyak kelebihan SmadAV Pro yang tidak dimiliki Versi Free, dan tentu Fitur ini adalah fitur yang lebih dapat memperbudah kita dalam melakukan hal dengan SmadAV, berikut Fitur Tambahanya :
    1. Update Otomatis Online
    2. Scanning Lebih Cepat
    3. Exception List
    4. Maximize/Resize Tampilan
    5. Mengganti Warna Tema dan Tampilan 
    6. Bisa Memberikan Password Admin
    Update Otomatis Online
    Smadav Pro dapat melakukan update otomatis dengan koneksi internet setiap ada revisi barunya. Smadav akan meng-install revisi barunya secara otomatis tanpa perintah pengguna. Berbeda dengan Smadav Free, Anda masih harus melakukan update secara manual dengan men-download revisi baru di dan membuka program Smadav terlebih dulu untuk meng-update Smadav pada komputer Anda.

    Exception List (Daftar Pengecualian)
    Smadav Pro mempunyai fitur Exception List yang dapat digunakan untuk mengabaikan (ignore) scanning pada file, folder, atau registry tertentu yang Anda anggap aman dan seharusnya diabaikan. Setelah suatu file, folder, atau registry ditambahkan ke Exception List, maka dia akan diabaikan dan tidak akan lagi dideteksi oleh Smadav sebagai virus. 

    Mengganti Warna Tema
    Smadav Pro mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengganti warna tema Smadav yang awalnya berwarna hijau menjadi warna pilihan Anda. Di bagian setting warna tema Anda dapat menemukan warna pilihan Anda sendiri untuk menjadi tema Smadav. Setelah Anda ganti tema warnanya, warna semua tampilan Smadav akan otomatis berubah menjadi warna pilihan Anda.

    Password Admin
    Jika Anda adalah Admin pada suatu jaringan komputer (seperti warnet, perusahaan, dll.), sebaiknya membatasi penggunaan Smadav dengan menambahkan password untuk mengakses fitur Smadav secara penuh. Pengguna masih bisa melakukan scanning dan pembersihan virus tapi tidak akan bisa mengakses fitur karantina, update, tools, dan settings pada Smadav kecuali mempunyai password Admin yang telah Anda setting. 

    Izin Penggunaan Profit
    Smadav versi Free hanya diizinkan untuk penggunaan non-profit seperti komputer/laptop pribadi di rumah atau organisasi non-profit. Sedangkan Smadav versi Pro digunakan untuk member Smadav atau lembaga/organisasi profit (perusahaan, warnet, toko, rental, service komputer, studio, dll.)

    Click Here---->        DOWNLOAD 

    Doom New Game 2016

    DOOM NEW GAME (2016)

    Doom (stylized as DOOM) is a science fiction horror first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and published byBethesda Softworks. It is a reboot of the Doom series and is the first major installment in the series since the release of Doom 3 in 2004 and the fourth title in the main series of games. Originally announced as under development as Doom 4 in 2008, the game underwent an extensive development cycle with different builds and designs before being restarted in 2011 and revealed as just Doomin 2014, along with access to an upcoming beta test for players who pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order. Full gameplay was later shown at the E3 2015, and the game was released worldwide on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 13, 2016.
    The game is played entirely from a first-person perspective, with players' taking the role of an unnamed marine, as he battles demonic forces from Hell that have been unleashed by the Union Aerospace Corporation on a future-set colonized planet Mars. The gameplay returns to a faster pace with more open ended levels, closer to the first two games rather than the slower survival horror approach taken by Doom 3, while also featuring environment traversal, character upgrades, and the ability to perform executions on enemies known as "glory kills". The game also supports an online multiplayer component and a level editor known as "SnapMap", both co-developed with id Software by Certain Affinity and Escalation Studios respectively. Doom was very well received by critics; the single-player campaign, graphics, and gameplay were praised, whereas the multiplayer mode drew the most criticism.


    Doom's single-player mode has "badass demons, big effing guns, and moving really fast" as key principles, according to id Software Executive Producer Marty Stratton.  As the combat system of the game puts emphasis upon momentum and speed, the game allows players to perform movements such as double-jumps and ledge-climbs. The approach is known as "push-forward combat", which discourages players from taking cover behind obstacles or resting to regain health. Players instead collect health and armour pick-ups scattered throughout levels or kill enemies to regain health. "Glory Kills" is a newly introduced melee execution system similar to that of the PWAD Brutal Doom, wherein, when enough damage has been dealt to an enemy, the game will highlight it and allow the player to perform a quick and violent melee takedown. The game features a large arsenal of weapons which can be collected and freely switched by players throughout the game and require no reloading. Weapons that are recurrent throughout the series, including the super shotgun and BFG 9000, make a return. However, in the case of the latter, the BFG only has a very small ammunition capacity yet is extremely powerful. Similarly, the chainsaw returns but instead is a special-use weapon that relies upon fuel but can be used to instantly cut through enemies and provide a greater-than-normal drop of ammunition for the player. Many enemies from the original games such as the Revenant, Pinky, Mancubus, and Cyberdemon also return, with many also redesigned. Doom's campaign was made to be more than 13 hours long, and the "Ultra-Nightmare" difficulty level features permadeath.

    Thursday, June 16, 2016

    New Game Resident Evil 7 (Coming This Year)

     Resident Evil 7
    (Coming This Year)

    Capcom has experienced difficulty in recent years in figuring out what fans want from the Resident Evil series. These efforts were made obvious in Resident Evil 6, which received lukewarm reviews that generally found that the game was trying too hard to satisfy everyone with three kinds of gameplay.
    With that in mind, many long-time fans of Resident Evil have been pleased to see Capcom recently return to its survival horror roots in the Resident Evil HD Remake and Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Those fans may be anxious to know if the next Resident Evil will follow in their footsteps, though.
    SuperData, a digital games research company, appears to have inadvertently spilled the beans that another Resident Evil game is due to release this year. Capcom hasn’t made an announcement or even hinted at plans to develop a new Resident Evil game, but SuperData had this to say: 

    We anticipate this month’s downturn to level off during the coming few months, following a regular seasonal pattern but expect to see an upswing as the next editions of several major franchises like Halo and Resident Evil come out in the 2015 fall season.

     Nothing more has been announced from Capcom directly, but they may be a bit preoccupied, as a physical retail copy of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 and a PS4 frame rate patch were released just last week. 

    SuperData has accurately evaluated and predicted revenue and sales of games such as World of Warcraft and Grand Theft Auto 5 in the past, so it seems unlikely that this is a mistake on their end. In any case, this isn’t the first time that a Resident Evil title has been inadvertently leaked to the public before an official announcement. Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations 2 was leaked a full month ahead of the official announcement on the official Xbox website.
    While Resident Evil 6 was mostly a disappointment, Capcom has shown that it’s still capable of creating tension with the Resident Evil: Revelations series. Considering the extremely positive response to the P.T. demo for Silent Hills, it’s fairly obvious that there’s still a huge fan base for the classic survival horror genre. If this unnamed Resident Evil does end up being a brand new game, hopefully Capcom will continue the trend of listening to its fans and bringing some classic anxiety-filled survival horror back into the main series.
    Some gamers may decide not hold their breath, however, after Resident Evil 5 and 6 started to become more action-oriented and less frightening.

    Click here For Watch The Trailer Resident Evil.


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